Plain Jane
-woman who has an average appearance. It can also mean an object that is unadorned. (source:
Plain Jane
-(n) An ordinary-looking, average girl, moderately attractive but mentally stable.
-(noun; adj.) a proper fitting name given to a female that attends preparatory school who is clothed very...well, very plain. Displays minimum or no makeup.
(source: urban dictionary)
yes. you can call me a Plain Jane. simply Plain Jane. i've got no talent. im not good at singing. i cant dance. i cant cook well as my mother does. im not smart. im not pretty. I have no apparent sense of fashion. but i do have a caring heart *eceh*.
*random entry..sebab ari tu amik class pengucapan awam,lecturer suruh say something in front of others. macam2 talents bley nampak..ada yg siap jadi atlet negara weyh..paling wa salute bila org speaking english lancar macam cakap bm jerrr. btw aku bukan setakat xpandai cakap english, malay pun xpandai gak. ayat selalu salah,hukhuk.*
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