belajar hidup di luar zon selamat itu bukan mudah. u meet different people with different background. at that time you will know who your true friends are. who can accept you at your worst. who can cry and laugh both in happiness and pain. who can be by your side come hell or high water. a friend yang akan datang pada kau hanya bila dia ada masalah. a friend yang only take you for granted. a friend yang ada banyak muka sampai kau xtau nak percaya yang mana satu. a friend yang depan kau baik tapi talk shits behind your back. a friend yang buat orang lain yang selama ni baik dengan kau/xda apa2 masalah out of sudden nak pandang kau pun xlalu. i know some people called me 'mengada-ngada', over-react, whatsoever; well i dont ask people to understand me better.but sometimes try to put your feet in my shoes. see if it fits or not, walk with it, then tell me.